Are you ready to start regaining control and...improve the quality of your day-to-day life instead of being overwhelmed and on the hamster wheel you have been on?
Receiving a new diagnosis of PCOS and not knowing where to even begin can feel overwhelming, to say the least, and:
- You’ve already been dealing with stubborn weight gain that, no matter how much you exercise or how little you eat, never seems to budge. All you want is to see some results for all the effort you’ve tirelessly put in.
- You are tired of doctors only offering you the birth control pill or metformin. Or telling you to come back when you want to get pregnant.
- You are tired of being TIRED all of the time.
- Been struggling with the heartbreaking issue of infertility. I've been there, and I am sorry.
Most women are told there is ONE diet or ONE exercise routine that will work
It would be great if there was just one diet to follow for everyone. One workout routine that would allow you to shed those clingy pounds.
But that is not how it works. If that were the case you would not be here right now. It is not as easy as giving up carbs, gluten, or working out harder.
It makes you want to give up altogether.
Plus restricting the food you love will make you cranky and resentful.
Reversing YOUR PCOS is not achieved by a one size fits all approach to nutrition and lifestyle. But instead finding the right diet and lifestyle options for YOUR BODY!

An 8-week online program that will give you the tools to find the right nutrition and lifestyle roadmap for you instead of another fad diet or supplement. This program helps you build a strong foundation with sustainable habits that will improve your hormonal balance. This program addresses MUCH MORE than just nutrition.
What is included in this program?
Educational videos such as 10 minute PCOS Strength or How To Feed Your Gut that can be watched on your own time.
Downloadable guides such as PCOS and Hirsuitism or PCOS and Your Period that will give you actionable steps to make the changes you need.
Weekly zoom calls with me and the other women in the group to get your questions answered.
Emails from Dr. Jen to break down the information and support you along the way.
What do we cover each week?
Weeks 1-3 we cover Nutrition. We cover macros vs micros and how to build a balanced plate. Timed eating and honoring hunger and cravings.
Week 4 is all about GUT HEALTH
Weeks 5-8 cover Lifetsyle Modifications. Sleep, stress, circadian rythms, and movement.
Week 9, I know BONUS: Mindset Shifts

BONUS #1: Megan Mikkelsen will join one of our ZOOM calls to help with understanding clean living and clean beauty. She is the founder of Detox By Design, a wonderful company that helps you detox your home and life from harmful environmental chemicals.

BONUS #2: Coaching session with Coach Emma, a PCOS warrior, and personal trainer. She works with women to create the right workout routine for them and their PCOS.
You CAN live your best life despite being diagnosed with PCOS!
How I can help you.

Meet your guide, Dr. Jen

Hey there!
I am a Board Certified OB/GYN who still delivers babies. I practice integrative medicine and specialize in PCOS. I am also "Mamma" to four awesome kids! I suffered for years with PCOS symptoms.
I had hair loss, anxiety, weight gain, and years of infertility.
I tried the low carb, exercise more approach.
I tried all the new supplements.
I bought every hair growing shampoo and make-up there was.
But it did not work because I did not address the ROOT cause of my PCOS.
So I advocated for myself and learned how to reverse my symptoms through nutrition and lifestyle shifts. I addressed my gut health and found the right diet FOR ME.
Once I made these changes, I was able to conceive a child. And live without digestive issues and terrible acne. I am now trained in integrative medicine and working on NLP and mindfulness certifications. I have helped hundreds of women attain the result I have in a sustainable and holistic way. And I am excited about your transformation too.
The Investment in Yourself
Still Got Questions? I Can Help?
What If I Do Not Have The Time?
The program is self-paced except for the Zoom Calls. You will have access to it for the life of the program. So if you need to take a break, you can! The videos and worksheets are yours to keep.
How much access do I have to Dr. Jen?
We will meet every week on the coaching call. The call will have both educational content as well as time for anyone to be coached (ask their questions). I will stay on the call as long as I need to address the questions. You can also email me anytime during the program or after. If you sign up during the bonus time, you get a private coaching package as well.